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Welcome to MadiCakes!



For those that do not know me, my name is Madi Schoenekase (soon to be McAnulty). Baking has always been my passion in life. Since I was a little girl, my dad always told me that one day it was my destiny to grow up and open a bakery called “MadiCakes” – named after the traditional and old-school nursey rhyme “Patty Cakes”.. Little did he know at the time that not only would I continue to love baking throughout my life, but I would later marry a man named Pat who I ironically call “Patty”… And he is the best taste tester there ever was.

While I did not pursue a degree in culinary, and my day to day might look a little different than the average online baking blog (I sit at a computer screen all day), the kitchen has always continued to be the place that both calms me after a long day and sparks the greatest joy and creativity in me. My favorite part about being a baker is allowing myself to experiment, fail, and overcome. As you’ll learn here, baking is a science and behind every new invention, there will be times of trial and error and there will be recipes that end in a TOTAL DISASTER… But that is life, and this is a safe place to learn, grow, and achieve. Because while failure is inevitable, there is no greater joy that mastering a new skill or technique in the kitchen or creating a new truly delicious recipe. All of this to say, I am so happy that YOU are here to learn, grow, and achieve with me this year and for years to come. This passion project is just getting started and I cannot wait to see the places that we grow together!

Cheers to 2024 and to making life sweeter one treat as a time!